Lawyer and Intuitive Carole Gold empowers you to use both reason and intuition to navigate the challenges and changes AI is imposing upon our lives. Speaking from diverse life experiences, Carole is the voice you’ve been hoping would act as a way-shower leading you to the answers within you.

Saturday May 28, 2022
Saturday May 28, 2022
Gun control, gun control, gun control. No other solution. Well, first you have to identify the cause, not the symptom if you want a real solution and not just to advance an agenda. But as the nation weeps for Ulvalde's loss, the Department of Education cares so little about children its threatening to withhold federal funds for school lunch unless schools have gender free bathrooms and use proper pronouns. No, this isn't a joke.

Wednesday May 25, 2022
Living In A World Where Tech and Government Have Replaced God
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Whether you are religious or not, the existence of a supreme being or higher intelligence is necessary to check what is a natural inclination to arrogance and hubris in us humans. Without it we find ourselves perverse masters, and also literal slaves, of a planet gone awry. Carole identifies how it happened and what we must do to free ourselves.

Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tragedy In Texas and YetAnother Reminder of How Off Message We Are
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Its not about gun control or politics. Its about mental health and the fact that we are ignoring a national epidemic at our peril and a peril for the nation's future.

Friday May 20, 2022
Attacking Elon Musk, Upcoming Davos, and Lessons From The Tower of Babel
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
History is instructive. So is the Bible..even if you're not religious. It contains guidance, even wisdom, about repetitive human behavior and how not to repeat errors of the past. But its only as helpful as our knowledge of it. Carole shines a light on what's happening to Elon Musk and why.

Wednesday May 18, 2022
The Coming Pandemic Fall 2022 Will Be Controlled By The WHO
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
In case you haven't heard, the Biden Administration and the Gates Foundation are gearing up for the next pandemic. Add to that the same Administration is handing over our national health sovereignty to the WHO and you've got a formula for disaster that will make 2020-2021 COVID look like the test run it was.

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Buffalo, Extremists, Replacement Theory and Political Gamesmanship
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
The Blame Game is alive and well. Why? Because politics is the game of deflecting personal responsibility and projecting it onto the opposition. The latest and best example is the emergence of Replacement Theory and using it to explain, illogically, what happened in Buffalo.

Friday May 13, 2022
What Naomi Judd, Elon Musk and Albert Einstein Have In Common
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
High profile people are often the vehicles that calls our attention to issues too often swept aside. This past week Naomi Judd committed suicide following a life long battle with depression. Her life gains added meaning if we use the moment to speak to the national epidemic of depression.

Thursday May 12, 2022
Actions Must Have Consequences or We’re Doomed
Thursday May 12, 2022
Thursday May 12, 2022
Everyone seems to be "getting away" with everything. Law doesn't matter, conscience seems to be lacking, personal responsibility a thing of the past. So what is on the horizon? Well, it depends on what we do about consequences.

Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
There is great meaning and success to be found in what we are experiencing nationally and culturally. But it cannot be identified through a lens of fear. So what lens do we use? Carole lays it out and the answer is truly inspirational.

Friday May 06, 2022
The Furor Over Roe v. Wade and Abortion Is Just The Tip of the Iceberg
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
When you drill down the abortion issue, what you find are some disturbing facts about how we have come to treat children in the United States and what that bodes for the future. Carole does the drill down and reveals where our focus needs to be and why.